Burnt out and facing a quarter-life crisis, Alex Sheshunoff quit his Internet job in New York City and bought a one-way ticket to the South Pacific island of Yap, bringing with him only a few t-shirts and the hundred books he was most embarrassed not to have read.  

While out there, he'd meet a girl on a full-moon kayak ride, build a bungalow with friends, adopt a baby monkey and, of course, write his own book. 

This new, award-winning memoir from Penguin Random House will will surprise you, make you laugh out loud, take you to the unforgettable islands of Palau, Yap and Pig, and either inspire you to move to your own island - perhaps one with only two letters in its name - or convince you that staying home was the best choice all along.  Either way, you'll find out what happens when you simply give it all up and buy a one-way ticket to the South Pacific.